Welcome to the user guide for Acceptance Test Management for Jira. This app is designed to streamline your acceptance testing process within Jira by allowing you to create, manage, and execute test cases directly from your issues.
Obtain the app from the Atlassian Marketplace: Search for "Acceptance Test Management for Jira" in the Atlassian Marketplace and install it.
Creating Test Cases
To create a test case, simply open an issue and add Acceptance Test Apps and start writing your test scenarios in Gherkin syntax. For example:
Feature: Login functionality Scenario: Successful login Given I am on the login page When I enter "valid_username" as the username And I enter "valid_password" as the password And I click the login button Then I should be redirected to the homepage
Viewing and Managing Test Results
View the results of your tests directly from the issue. You can easily change the status of a test case to Passed, Failed, Skipped, or Todo.
Searching Test Results
Use JQL to search for specific test results. For example, to find all failed tests, use the query `AcceptanceTestFailed > 0`.
Importing Feature Files
Import your existing feature files from Bitbucket or GitHub directly into Jira. Configuration is needed at project settings page.